Rolawn Lawn Topdressing is a high-quality, sand-based, multi-purpose lawn dressing. It can be used to improve any utility lawn. Applying Rolawn Lawn Topdressing will help to enhance a lawn’s appearance. It will help stimulate new grass growth, create a level surface, improve drainage and control the build up of thatch. Top dressing can be applied anytime, when the grass is actively growing. Bag size: approx 0.5m³ (500 litres) when packed Coverage: up to 167m² at 3 litres/m² (or depth of 3mm) Contains high percentage of sand. Typically classed as a ‘Loamy Sand’. Friable. Safe. Minimal stone content. Peat free. Hooded bags and upper polythene liner minimise moisture penetration. Not suitable for use with spreaders. Remember to wear gloves and wash your hands after use.
Bag size: approx 0.5m³
Coverage: up to 167m² at 3 litres/m² (or depth of 3mm)